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That Rocky Mountain High

So It's been a busy summer then a busier fall, but luckily in all my hopping around I found the time to take some notes for posterity. I feel like when I was younger the set of adventures I had experienced was limited enough that keeping track of them was simple. At this point I can barely remember the specific approaches on mountains from last summer, let alone back in college. With that in mind here is quick recap of my hikes in Rocky Mountain National Park this summer. Less for posterity and more for my own edification.

As a quick aside, most of this was written in an afternoon hailstorm in the Ute Meadow so that may be where the note of terror you detect is coming from.

B-17 hike - CSU-Pengree/Comanche park area (07/14/13)

Great for an easier yet rewarding day hike about 1.5 hours from ft Collins. Take 14 west to 63E. There's some great car camping sites along the Poudre on 14. Also, a few spots on 63. 5 hours, easy pace. The trail ends at an old B-17 crash site which is one of the more unique trail features I've come across. Who am I kidding, it's awesome and I'm nine.

The loop is 10 miles, mostly there and back stuff. Starts out through a thicket of young birches, mostly flat. The vegetation shifts to pine for the steepest stretches following. Nothing especially challenging, but a healthy 30 degree grade. You then pass twin reservoirs in a nice valley before your path steepens again. Things flatten out considerably as you follow a linear brook babbling pleasantly. One stream crossing and an even briefer uphill, then you're at the crash site. Great views and even better scrambling here. It doesn't even really feel like a Colorado hike, a lot more deciduous trees and really interesting cloud cover that ebbed and flowed throughout the day.

Chasm Lake (7/15/13)

Shares the trail with the easterly approach to long's peak for most of the way, it is pretty much the perfect trade off of difficulty and reward. You finish at an alpine lake directly in front of Long's and surrounding peaks. At this time of year, the wild flowers are in full bloom and the wildlife is out in full. Colonies of picas and marmots at the top with spectacular views on the way down. Snowshoe hares, elk, mountain goats, and mule deer as well.

Combined with an overnight at Goblin's Forest, you have time to scramble up Estes cone as well for some great views in 360 degrees.

Ute Trail from summit to Beavers Meadow (7/17/13)

Great views from the top, with smooth trails but we got spooked by some nasty storms so we had to boogie on off in a hurry. The descent is pretty terrible and slow-going. As the ranger said, "whoever designed these trails clearly has never heard of switchbacks." The grueling trail leads through a series of  small yet resplendent meadows, culminating in the terrific Ute Meadow where the campsite lies. Beware of leeches on your river beer!

Not as much wildlife as promised, but I could live in this meadow. Waiting on stars, but I was ultimately foiled by an overly-bright 3/4 moon. The stars were still impressive, just not long arm of the Milky Way impressive.

The hike down to Moraine Park, was hot even in mid-morning. The landscape dotted with dwarf sagebrush and meadow flowers. The hike back up was a bit tense with some serious clouds looming, and no rain fly on my unsuspecting tent. We ended up waiting out the rain an hail for about three hours while I finished The Stranger and napped. Pleasant. Except for the lightning all around us. And deafening thunder.

At one point I considered, "should I be scared right now?" But found myself at peace. That's good to know. Full packs on the way down through drizzle, but at least it wasn't hot. Sausage, beer, an a fire are a good cure for a damp afternoon.

Horse Tooth Reserve (7/21/13)

The Middlesex Fells of Fort Collins. Went sleeveless. My arms are now angry semi-circles. Only 5 miles round trip, but with 1500 ft elevation gain and a hot afternoon it wasn't a cakewalk.  The uphill trudge culminates in a fun stretch of scrambling.

The view from the top redeemed the labor, and more-or-less made up for one of the saddest turkey sandwiches I've created. Chris and I caught some rays, and guffawed at similarly pale Coloradans doing the same. If this is what counts for a tanning bed here, then I approve.

The descent was mostly at a trot an flew by. Oh, but there were black near cubs which were pretty adorable as far as baby killing machines go*.

A quick dip in the reservoir was welcome, and grime-reducing.

Non-camping activities:
- Rogue Legacy
- Oskar Blues and blues (plus puppy fix)
- 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand
- New Belgium
- Chasing Mennonites with an RC car**.
- Lefthand homebrewer's rally
- Keeping a Vietnamese restaurant open through the summer.

** Not a hate crime both because cars are alright with them, and because it never happened.


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