Times is tough. Luckily there's Craigslist, the online bazaar of free crap and creepy perverts. Let's focus on the former, and leave a broader discussions involving online ethics, sexuality, and your creepy uncle Carl for another day. Look at what people fleeing the Northeast have left for me! Commence the free! The sweet orange chair was a gift from the landlord and I am already very attached to it. The AC unit in the window was one of two, and is much appreciated since we actually broke 100 degrees this weekend. The fridge in the closet may be my most favorite, as my brewery can now expand into lager fermentation. Sexy teal chairs, which I actually had to pay $10 for but you can't win them all. The desk, the small bookcase peeking out on the left, and the five growlers were totally free though. So. There's. That. Other odds and ends. Some books, a really old board game, and an even older electric pencil sharpener. That wicked mahdern end table and the american...