There are three types of racists in the world right now: 1) Your tiki torch march for hate kinda racists 2) Your overturn constitutional law by executive fiat to keep out brown people kinda racists 3) Your shrug and accept that this is your team and you’ll stick by ‘em kinda racists I swear to god I think I respect the first group more for at least being honest about who they are and what they want. If you vote straight ticket republican in November, I know by your works exactly where you stand. I hope Jesus finds you lukewarm and spits you out when you get to heaven. ---------------- As an oddly timed side note I'd like to keep this blog going with a decidedly less heavy-handed self-editing mode. In thinking about why I even started this blog years ago and why I would want to keep this going I couldn't come up with a good answer. Blogs are such a weirdly anachronistic appendix of the digital world. They don't really have a place because it's a diary t...
Bryan. Rambling. You. Reading?