So It's been a busy summer then a busier fall, but luckily in all my hopping around I found the time to take some notes for posterity. I feel like when I was younger the set of adventures I had experienced was limited enough that keeping track of them was simple. At this point I can barely remember the specific approaches on mountains from last summer, let alone back in college. With that in mind here is quick recap of my hikes in Rocky Mountain National Park this summer. Less for posterity and more for my own edification. As a quick aside, most of this was written in an afternoon hailstorm in the Ute Meadow so that may be where the note of terror you detect is coming from. B-17 hike - CSU-Pengree/Comanche park area (07/14/13) Great for an easier yet rewarding day hike about 1.5 hours from ft Collins. Take 14 west to 63E. There's some great car camping sites along the Poudre on 14. Also, a few spots on 63. 5 hours, easy pace. The trail ends at...
Bryan. Rambling. You. Reading?